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What is a special conveyor bel

Special conveyor belts mainly include steel cord belt, high inclination belt, heat resistant belt, heat resistant belt, flame resistant belt, wire mesh belt and steel belt. They are a little stronger than ordinary conveyor belts. The temperature resistance of our ordinary conveyor belts is generally about - 20 ° C and 120 ° C, while that of special conveyor belts can be as high as 800 ° C. Regardless of the high temperature resistance, wear resistance, flame resistance and other characteristics are several times stronger than ordinary conveyor belt.


What is a special conveyor belt?


Special conveyor belt usually refers to the special use performance of the conveyor belt which carries special materials in special situations, such as flame retardant, antistatic, heat resistant, cold resistant, oil resistant, acid alkali resistant, light, etc. These special conveyor belts are also relatively special, and special processing is required by special means.




The performance of the tape is generally realized by the performance of the covering layer and the core and the tape structure. A flame retardant conveyor belt, which has specific flame retardant and antistatic properties, is one of the most important types of conveyor belts with the largest output and consumption. According to the use situation and flame retardant and antistatic properties, it can be divided into coal mine flame retardant conveyor belt and other general-purpose flame retardant conveyor belt.


The flame retardant property of coal mine flame retardant conveyor belt is more severe than that of general purpose flame retardant conveyor belt. Generally, it must have the following three aspects of test capability according to the specified test method.


1. The roller friction test piece is completely nonflammable.


2. The test piece of alcohol burner combustion test shall be completely nonflammable or can be extinguished by itself.


3. The flame on the test piece of propane burner can extinguish itself. S means the conveyor belt has flame retardant and antistatic properties.


4. The flame retardant conveyor belt of coal mine core is made of whole fabric core or multi-layer canvas. The core shall be impregnated with flame retardant compound and covered with a flame retardant covering layer. The whole strip shall be completely covered by flame retardant material by curing or vulcanizing the edge of the belt. At present, the flame retardant conveyor belt is dominated by all plastic and rubber plastic composite fabric.


Product type classification:


1According to the overall longitudinal tensile strength of the belt, n/mm, it is divided into 680s, 800s, 1000s, 1250s, 1400s, 1600s, 1800s, 2000s, 2240s, 2500s, 2800s, 3100s, 3400s.


2The band is divided by level relative to the 4-16 level zone.


3Mm series has 400, 500, 650, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200, etc.

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