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Direct sales of PVC conveyor b

Under normal circumstances, the PVC conveyor belt is allowed to have 4-6 extension, which can be adjusted by using the tensioning device, but what factors cause the extension value of the conveyor belt to increase after adjustment? PVC conveyor belt manufacturer direct sales to tell you


1. Excessive belt tension.


As long as the tension adjustment does not slip or deviate, it can be adjusted. If the tension is too tight, long-term transportation will lead to the deformation of the skeleton layer and the overall deformation of the conveyor belt, affecting the use.


2. Environmental impact of use.


If the PVC conveyor belt is immersed in water for a long time, it is easy to accelerate the aging of the conveyor belt. At the same time, for materials with oil, oil molecules will penetrate into the conveyor belt to accelerate its aging, etc.


3. Human factors.


PVC conveyor belt can not withstand the damage of sharp substances. PVC conveyor belt can only play a conveying role.


The above are the factors that increase the extension of PVC conveyor belt. If you need to order conveyor belt, you are welcome to find our PVC conveyor belt manufacturer for direct sales.

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